Hi, welcome to ACgaffs this is a website only for gaff resources, and video step by step intructions on making gaffs cards.


They've never seen cards like these before. The Bicycle Gaff Deck is a full collection of special art cards designed to fit quietly in with your normal Bicycle deck. This allows you to perform amazing illusions that were never thought possible. If you could use a card that is: shot, aged, flipped, zipped, fallen, faded, ripped and stuck, box printed, blank, creepy, blacked out, swirled, thumb printed, smudged, inked wrong, mismade, tagged, transferred, erased, added to, too high, shifted, shattered, fractioned, blurred, skeletal, or predictive...

 A Gaff deck of cards is a deck consisting of all trick cards. These cards are specifically designed to be used with different types of decks and can allow a magician to create his own tricks. Gaff decks are not actual or usable decks of cards, but rather just a lot of trick cards crammed into one case. They are extremely versatile and useful.

As we all know ellusionist's sells them for 30 bucks, you don't want spend money then you can make your own so check out the rest of this website, for tutorials, performances, and techniques on how to do gaff tricks

Thanks, Andre & Corey

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Playing Cards And Magic With Them